TeloPet™ Testimonials

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Santa Rosa, CA

"My Flemish rabbit is 19 and one half pounds, named TINY.

Tiny is leash trained for walks, potty trained, and a loving member of our family.

Tiny responds to his name, and will follow you around to keep you company.

Fresh washed organic lettuces, carrots and celery, are among Tiny's favorite treats.

I raised Tiny from bunny to a 4 year old adult, l as a member of 4H.

I tried a half a capsule of TeloPet™ per day in Tiny's regular fresh veggies, and noticed within days how much happier and full of energy Tiny now is.

TeloPet™ has put an extra hippty-hop into Tiny's daily activities, as well as Tiny's fur being more soft and shinny.

Tiny asked me to thank the folks at TeloPet™ for him, as he plans to remain a daily user!"

Dr. Ted,


"l am a practicing Veterinarian using TeloPet™ with competition equine (horse) breeds, that I first successfully used with my border collies.

There are periodic gastro intestinal distress issues, from Colic to even Cushing's, with horse breeds, which are becoming more frequent, from poor feed, that can include 'green burn' herbicide sprayed hay, grasses, milo, millet, oats and alfafa, for lowering moisture levels in these feeds, whether loose, bailed, siloed, or pelletized.

This harmful chemical processing of feed is detrimental to the horses' microbiome, gastro intestinal tract, and immunity.

I have found supplementary whole plant clean nutrition from TELOPET to greatly assist the horses' immunity, digestion, overall wellness, and beneficial outcomes, at low daily cost."

“I had been struggling with my cat urinating outside of the litter box. Our veterinarian then suggested that we try TeloPet™.

We started giving our kitty TeloPet™ once daily, and noticed immediately that he stopped urinating outside the litter box! Best of all there were no side effects and it was easy to give. We are so happy he is back to normal and we no longer have to keep cleaning urine in the house!”


Carson, CA

Surfer Girl Los Angeles, CA

'Dude, Thank God For TeloPet™, Just Sayin' My Dog Is Totally Better!"


Los Angeles, CA

“Since the moment we got our dog Penny she became part of the family. Penny is now almost 13 years old. She is still happy, playful and full of life but over the past year we noticed her back legs were starting to give out. A friend told me how they started using TeloPet™ and it did wonders for their dog. We gave it a try and it worked great! We noticed she had less difficulty getting up and walking around. Amazingly she is now running around and happier than ever!”


Los Angeles, CA

“I rescued the sweetest little silky terrier from the shelter around two years ago. She has really severe separation anxiety and would shake really bad when I got ready to leave, and while I was gone, she would urinate all over my carpet.

After using TeloPet™ she is much calmer as I get ready to leave my house. Mynka and I are forever grateful! People don’t understand that a dog’s anxiety affects the owner greatly. Thank You!”


Monterey, CA

"My owners gave me a capsule of TeloPet™, once a day, in my food, for one week, because I am a 16 pound manecoon, age 14, named PUFF.

I will admit it, I was slowing down and cat napping too much.

My little brother, a 5 year old dog, was beginning to push me around.

I only take one half a capsule of TeloPet™ per day now, and I am back to my alpha cat self.

No vet visits for me.

Want your A Game Catness back?...tell your owners to get you TeloPet™!"

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